Please help with this Study
Discussions (Serious, Trans in the Media) 9 replies 0 likes 0 votes 4 viewsWe have worked with Rodrigo before and we are looking for 15 volunteers (Plus there's a £15 Amazon voucher you will be given if you take part) This is a follow-up study from one he was involved with the Beaumont Society earlier this year x
Study Title: Healthcare Experiences and Avoidance Intentions Amongst Transgender and Gender Diverse Older Generations
My name is Rodrigo Figueiredo, and I am conducting a research study as part of my PhD qualification under the supervision of Dr. Fabio Fasoli and Dr. Hannah Frith, at the Department of Psychology at the University of Surrey. This research aims to understand health-related stressors and perceived parental support in relation to healthcare engagement or avoidance intentions in the UK.
I am seeking young individuals aged 40+ who identify as transgender or gender diverse who speak English and who live in the UK. All participants must be willing to participate in a 60-minute interview Microsoft Teams. The interviews will be video recorded, transcribed, anonymised, and deleted once transcripts are completed. As an incentive, participation will be reimbursed with a £15 Amazon voucher as a thank you for taking the time to take part in this study.
If you are interested in participating, please email confirming that you would like to participate in the research. The scheduling of time and date will be discussed upon confirmation of participation. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any stage during the interview. If you wish to withdraw, you have a month after the interview to request that your data be excluded. However, after the transcriptions have been completed, exclusion is no longer possible as the research team will not be able to locate your answers. It is important to note that no findings that could identify any individual participant will be published, and your privacy will be protected at all stages of the research.
Best Wishes,
Rodrigo Figueiredo"
Please get back to me Lynne