Ask not (just) what the Beaumont can do for you.........
Discussions (Serious, Trans in the Media) 3 replies 0 likes 0 votes 4 views
1 week
{KarenC, 18/6/24}
Well, thanks so much for the responses to my question about the future of the society; please keep them coming.
But what is becoming clear, particularly following Joanne's post, is that we need practical help.
Yes, we must organise the most fabulous weekend ever for the members, smaller social occasions, perhaps a get-together for trans organisations, much more help on the site for the less experienced, responses to political and social interventions etc, etc, etc.
Not to mention an editor for the magazine and a membership secretary (please excuse me if these posts have been filled!).
We want to resolve all of these issues but need help.
(Again, written without any authority whatsoever)