Beaumont Magazine - editor

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Jen Calder 2 weeks
{Jen Calder, 24/8/24}

Email me: 

Hi everyone!

The lovely (but ever so mischievous) Karen C has been at her persuasive worst over the past few weeks and she’s finally managed to cajole me into working on the Beaumont magazine. This has been followed up with various meetings, including in the Executive, and the long and short of it is that I am now the Editor of our esteemed publication!

The first thing I’d like to do is thank the lovely and ever-so-helpful Eleanor for her outstanding commitment to the magazine in the past few years. Eleanor has also given me clear and concise technical information and I now have the Editor’s email account up and running, as well as good contact with the graphic designer.

There is a deadline looming and we are almost certain to miss it due to the later-than-optimum handover for this magazine cycle, but it is hoped that the next edition will be hitting your doormats and computer screens before too long. I’ll certainly do my best to get it all organised with the time I have available.

Here’s the really good part, though! To be truly representative of our membership, we need YOU(!!!), our faithful and super-enthusiastic fellow members of this fantastic trans community to both tell us what you would like to see in the magazine and all about what you have been up to in the past weeks and months.

Have you had a life-changing experience that could be inspirational for other members? Have you been to a fun event at which everyone was looking totally fabulous? Is there something planned for which you just can’t wait to pull on that sexy and alluring little black number that’s been staring at you every time you open the wardrobe? Do you have an amazing life story that we all need to hear about? Remember, whatever you may think is the most ordinary thing in the world could be the key to unlocking a whole new beginning for other members of all ages and stages of trans-development!

I’d love to hear from as many of you as possible! There are four editions of the magazine due out per year and that’s a lot of pages to fill, but with your help it can all be nice and straightforward. Don’t worry too much if you’re not exactly a candidate for the post of Professor of English Language at Cambridge University. Give it your best shot, get the creative juices flowing and send us what emerges. If necessary, we can tidy up the spelling and grammar, and even sprinkle some magic fairy dust on it to make it jump off the page! Just put it on a Microsoft Word document, a Mac Pages doc, or even just type the text in an email and we’ll do the rest.

We’ll also need good pics to make this publication totally fabby! Just attach them to the email along with the words. Phone pics are great quality these days, but please don’t compress them too much. As a rule of thumb, if the pics are less than around 1Mb each then there’s a chance that they may appear pixelated on paper, as the print resolution required is generally much higher than what looks OK on a screen. If you do send pics, then please also tell us what is in them and who the people are, in what order!

So, a massive thanks in advance to you all. My email address is and I’m looking forward to it crashing with the weight of all your messages over the next few months!

Wish me luck!

Jen x