EHRC Fit for purpose?
Discussions (Serious & Trans in the Media) 1 reply 0 likes 0 votes 3 views
1 week
{Andrea, 30/3/24}
Just a few days ago, the commissioners of the EHRC cancelled their meeting with Translucent a leading Transgender & LGBTQIA+ support organisation which had been arranged for some time with just two days notice. As a result Translucent have published the following open document which covers the issues they intended to discuss with the commissioners detailing how they had let down the trans community in particular and the LGBTQIA+ community in general. Please feel free to disseminate this document as widely as you wish.
<a href="EHRC and GANHRI – A Statement" data-mce-href="EHRC and GANHRI – A Statement">EHRC and GANHRI – A Statement