Friday Funnies 23rd of August 2024

Humorous 0 replies 0 votes 7 views Tags:  Friday Funnies
LynneJones 2 months
{LynneJones, 23/8/24}

Have a Fab weekend, love Lynne xxx

Having bladder problems I phoned the Pharmacy & asked if they delivered incontinence pads. They asked where I was ringing from I said "From the waist down"

My mate is booking his haggis supper at the Lotus Garden Chinese Restaurant next year, He said he wanted a Chinese burns night

My uncle was a mime artist I didn't even know he kept that quiet

Did you know that most men in their early 50s go through a stage thinking there there Tom jones , apparently its not unusual

Went Fishing today, used liquorice for bait. I caught Allsorts

Why do Hummingbirds Hum? They don't know the words

I paid a Carpenter to make me a custom made King size bed. He did a bunk