International News

Discussions (Serious, Trans in the Media) 1 reply 0 votes 7 views Tags:  USA Trans Legislation
Andrea 2 weeks

Nebraska's Legislative Bill 89 was announced on the 10th January, which prohibits trans women from bathrooms in all state schools and other facilities and from taking part in women's sports. This was accompanied by speeches from many advocates for this law including a huge level of support for Christian Nationalist and far-right views as well as the First Amendment separation of church and state being something that should be repealed.
Volleyball player Rebekah Allick´s speech culminated in claims that trans women are rejecting God and facing condemnation and that the separation of church and state really pisses her off.
Given the way that the USA so roundly condemns countries that operate under strict religious governments, Iran for instance, can they not see the irony in these statements? I guess not