Jewellery Making
Hobbies 1 reply 2 likes 0 votes 6 viewsMy new business Pretty Dreams has got it's first paying customer. A friend has asked me to repair a rather pretty watch of theirs. The watch has an open bracelet formed of ovals, the first two on each side have abalone shell inserts and one had popped off to be lost forever, she asked if I could repair it and I thought, well nothing ventured, nothing gained so I said I'd have a look, no guarantees. I ordered some shell segments of abalone and found one that seemed a nice fit with the other inserts and started cutting it to fit the aperture. Well I had to use the dremel and a diamond burr to cut it, turns out abalone is really hard - then I discovered it can also be brittle as the top layer shattered just as I had the rough shaping completed! So find another piece which was also a nice fit and use the dremel a little more carefully and finally it fits. All that's left to be done is to add a resin dome over the top surface of the shell.