Last night's Zoom call 24/5/24
Discussions (Serious, Trans in the Media) 2 replies 0 likes 0 votes 5 viewsMorning everyone! I responded to Susan Turnbull's post on the "old website," saying last night's Zoom call was a nice chat, and I said it was,
In the same message, I also posted comments as below, but as few people go to the old site now, I'm repeating it here.
So…, Thanks, Debbie, for hosting it. I hope Rona’s okay. Please let us know when you hear… It was great to see {Jenny, and everyone. Hello, Christine, and welcome to the BS!
The big thing for me about last evening was, that I hadn't been on a BS Zoom call for ages, because I’ve been feeling fragile for the last few months after my wife died. I thought I might get upset, but I felt okay.
We had a good chat on the call about bereavement. Lynne has said the Forum content will be ‘curated’ to a section on here, so as I said in the call, if anyone's affected by bereavement, it might be good to post in the Bereavement Cafe topic about your experience. it’s certainly helped me.
Have a lovely day. D xxx