Magazine Features

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Last year Eleanor quite deservedly hung up her hat after 8 years of creating a magazine that punched well above it's weight for so long in terms of content and quality, We can do little other than thank her from the bottoms of our hearts for her enormous contribution to our community.
However, that left a vacuum which proved difficult to overcome. It almost felt like the search for the wearer of a glass slipper with no takers until Jen Calder stepped forward and agreed to fill the role.
After an ever so frantic period of trying to catch up, the magazine at last manifested itself in December or, in some members cases, through their letterbox in January.
During the editing phase of what was to be Issue 127, Jen was supported by Karen C. and myself Karen B. gathering content and the arrangement worked quite well.
Unfortunately though, Issue 128 started to become a problem in the very early stages as Jen found that the demands of her own work did not allow her to carry on as Editor and had to step back from the front line into a support role leaving a pair of rookie co-editors to step out of the frying pan into the fire. Indeed, a baptism by that very fire!
Anyone who paid attention to Issue 127 would note a clear change in editorial style from that of Eleanor. Issue 128 will be noted for yet another direction being taken
in that area. All will be revealed soon enough as the very first Twa' Karens issue will be dropping through your letterboxes in 3 or 4 weeks time, an achievement both of us are very proud of given our shaky start in the job.

Anyway, intro over.
If we are to continue in this role we need all your help.
Simply put, we need content. Group meeting reports, members photos, short stories from all you budding authors and anything else relevant that you might offer.
If you all do that for us, we'll convert it to glossy page entries.

Get snapping and writing for Beaumont!!
Karen B. xx