Out in Plymouth (a day late)
Discussions (What have you been Up To) 7 replies 0 likes 0 votes 7 viewsSo today a day out, a day later than planned. First one in ages, it’s funny how you condition yourself to not going out, when it does happen, it’s so enjoyable.
Hit a few shops looking for odds and ends for Harrogate (so close!). Although I wasn’t looking for a new outfit, just had to try a couple of bits on.
I then went to Boots looking for eye makeup. A lovely guy with the most amazing nails (who worked there) asked if he could help. I ended up getting my eye makeup done by him in the store, that’s a first, I was nervous but it was great. So, accepting, brilliant. Of course, that meant I spent £32 on makeup but worth it for the experience.
Just sat in M&S cafe now having lunch. The woman who served me called me angel. So far, a winning day!