What does it mean when gender clinics ask about your emotions and responses?
Health and wellbeing 1 reply 0 likes 0 votes 9 viewsIn my last conversation with the gender clinic, the clinician asked about my emotions and responses to situations. For context, I became convinced that I was transgender after I broke up with my wife and was anxious and depressed. My GP and others have suggested that my subconscious has created my female archetype (FA) in myself as I've lost connection with my wife ie it was an emotional response to an unbearable situation. I go along with this up to a point. As encouraged to on a Mind trauma course a few years ago, I have "thought conversations" between my FA and my male self, and as also advised by the trauma experts I saw, my FA often does journalling. It works for me, and might well do for others,
However, I fear that the medical and psychiatric experts could argue from this that other trans and non-binary people's sense of gender identity is a construct, and not "real," so they shouldn't have to treat us with hormones, but rather with a "talking cure." Or am I overthinking it, and I should think that they're just expressing concern for my wellbeing? Thoughts?