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Davina 2 weeks
{Davina, 26/5/24}
…to browse at the new shopping arcade!

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For years it has been a 'derelict plot', showcasing where the big blue glass could go, so during the recent week off, especially with the PC being down, I made serious headway with the design-refinements & build. It function as housing all the spare parts that came with the models mum bought me during lockdown. Internal storage rooms & the box section on top is storage space, with stairs leading up. Super proud of the complexity of the design I have to say & happens to sit smack-bag in the middle of the whole area.

Been Lego fan all my life & kept the interest going as part of doing-my-own-thing while growing up. Now it takes up the whole (what once was) big bedroom!

You have no idea how long it took to position all those items on the shelves… Not even dad's old tweezers could cope